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In The Thick

Aug 23, 2019

Originally from Benghazi, Libya,  has found in comedy a space to discuss and laugh about immigration, politics and white privilege in the United States. Maria and Julio talk with him about Hollywood, bidets and his encounter with immigration officers in a Greyhound. 

ITT Staff Picks:

Aug 20, 2019

Journalist  led a team of black journalists, writers and poets to create The 1619 Project, a deep and thoughtful look into the 400th anniversary of the beginning of slavery in this country. But a lot of the response has been predictably critical. Maria and Julio are joined by ITT All-Stars, 

Aug 16, 2019

From the recent mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Christchurch, New Zealand, to the Charlottesville car attack in 2017, it’s clear that white nationalists and the “alt-right” are not just living on the dark corners of the internet, but actually carry out deadly violence in the world. Maria and Julio talk with 

Aug 13, 2019

Maria and Julio are joined by ITT All-Stars,  and , to discuss the surge in white supremacist and anti-immigrant violence instilled by the current administration, following the recent shootings in Texas, Ohio and California. They also talk about the latest state-sponsored attacks on the...

Aug 9, 2019

Entirely situated within the 100-mile border zone, Michigan has the second-highest rate of ICE arrests in the country. This has had a huge and detrimental impact on Detroit residents, a city of immigrants. Maria and Julio are joined by , immigration reporter and co-founder of Tostada Magazine, and